

18 month - 2 year olds

Our youngest class provides toddlers a safe and secure atmosphere. We will focus on small group interaction between children learning to play and share with others. The primary goal of this program is to create an environment where young children can do what they do best - explore everything! They will learn through play, music, sensory activities, simple toys, dramatic play, outdoor play, and games. We will help them follow simple directions, and we will develop gross and fine motor skills through play and guided activities. Our youngest classes will learn about Jesus, and will learn songs and stories about our God, who loves them so much.

3 year olds

In our 3s Class, children will learn independence and confidence, as they build the social skills they need to follow directions and interact well with others. Students will participate in math and literacy centers, as well as develop skills through dramatic play, music, movement, and art. A focus of this class will be developing precursor handwriting skills, word play, and number sense. The critical aspect of character development will be addressed daily from the truths found in the Bible.

4 year olds

4 year olds and Bridge to Kinder

In our 4s class, the children will be prepared for Kindergarten by learning pre-reading skills such as phonemic awareness, as well as letter recognition by sight and sound. Math and writing centers are included in the classroom curriculum along with science exploration. Learning Without Tears® will be used to help children develop proper habits as they ready for Kindergarten. The critical aspect of character development will be addressed daily from the truths found in the Bible. They will also participate in fine arts activities, such as music, art, and movement. Our Bridge Class is for older 4 year old children. This class is more fast paced, and students will participate in higher level literacy and math activities and lessons.



This 5 day program is based off of the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Kindergarten students in Texas.  This program will be strong in number sense, STEM, phonemic awareness, and phonics instruction in order to create successful readers, mathematicians, and scientists.  Our class size is small, and students will be engaged through whole and small group instruction. In addition to the core subjects, students will participate in daily Bible lessons and fine art activities.

Our program is driven by well known, successful curriculum and the truths found in the Bible. Our teacher and our directors have over 40 years of experience teaching Pre-K through 2nd Grade. As a team, they have developed a Kindergarten program that ensures your child will begin their elementary years with a solid foundation.
